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Perpustakaan LPPKN
No.12B, Bangunan LPPKN
Jalan Raja Laut
50350 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel : +603-2693 7555   
Fax : +603-2694 1607
  • Smoking, food and drinks are not allowed in the library.
  • Bags, helmets, umbrellas, rain coats and packages except for handbags and files are not permitted to be brought in to the library. They must be left in the lockers provided in front of the library at the user’s own risk.
  • The library will not take any responsibility for any damage and loss of personal items that are left behind in the library.
  • Members must ensure that items checked out are returned or renewed on or before the due date.
  • Accessing undesirable Internet sites and downloading, chatting, email, printing and circulating undesirable materials are strictly prohibited.
  • Installing or customizing any computer programs in Library’s personal computers are also strictly prohibited.

Copyright Regulations
Library users are fully responsible for any action liable and contravening under the MALAYSIA COPYRIGHT ACT 1987 and MALAYSIA MULTIMEDIA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ACT.

Lost and Fines Regulations
Each borrower is responsible for every item s/he borrowed. Staff who resign, on study or sabbatical leave are required to return all materials borrowed from the library.

Vandalism Regulations
Users are not allowed ;

  • Remove any library furniture and equipment from their original place.
  • Stealing of library materials and assets
  • Vandalism (e.g. tearing, cutting, scribbling, and tempering of library assets)
  • Smoking